Jai' Monique Productions and Ink Media Photography and Video is proud to inform you that we have a script ready for the City of Houston's up and coming actors and actresses. If believe in yourself give us a reply today!
We are seeking African-American Males and Females with ages ranging from 16-45. Our casting method is a little different than the standard method; all actor/actresses are required to read the same lines regardless of the character they are auditioning for, this allows us to determine which character the actor is best suited for, making it a fair casting process which won’t limit the actor/actress to an specific character profile. We are currently casting for the following roles and understudies for all characters for current and future productions Based on the Best-Selling Novel by Jai' Monique (formerly known as Jakeshia Lewis) entitled I Found One; an erotic love story based on real-life events! This is a low budget film used to gain exposure for the Author as well as the Actors and Actresses. To set up audition appointments please send headshots, bios, and resumes (if you do not have a resume, please include all acting experience and referrals if any) to: ifoundone@sbcglobal.net. Upon receipt of your information, we will contact you if we are interested, with the characters that best fit your personality.
**IMPORTANT NOTICE** If you have already submitted yourself for consideration, please do not submit your information again. Your information is in our casting department and you will receive an e-mail with the casting dates and more details.
* * * If you would like to get more familiar with the book, go to www.jakeshialewis.com and preview a few chapters or order an autographed copy just for yourself ! !
* Talent does not discriminate, actors of all colors, ages, shapes and sizes are encouraged to audition.
* Casting is based on talent and the ability to meet rehearsal schedule.
* The COMPLETE rehearsal schedules will be available at the time of auditions. Bring your calendar, as you will be asked to note and all rehearsal conflicts.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Palm Reading; Does it really work ?
This is the results of my online palm reading . . .

Jakeshia, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially good at Letting your love flow. Based on the signs in your palm, you have much to gain by giving your affection freely to those that you care most about. By putting directed energy toward expressing your love, your efforts will be returned multi-fold.
- Now what that tells me is what I've known and been going thru my whole life. Letting my love go freely and ending up feeling like a damn fool when it's taken for granted. How do we know who to freely give our love to and who to secure it from? Everything starts out perfect, but toward the end shit gets a lil shaky. . . LOL !

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Is He Your Soulmate?
I took this quiz today, (even though i knew deep down what the results would be.) I often asked myself this same question in my past relationships, and came to a totally different conclusion. i don't think the words to describe how deep my love for Calvin have been invented or made up yet. But anyway enough of the mushy stuff, here are the results of my quiz. . .
You've found your soul mate ! ! !
Let the skeptics be cynical - you know that soul mates do exist because you're already with yours! Many women choose partners for all the wrong reasons - he offers financial security, the sex is great, he's romantic - but your relationship is based on the things that actually matter. Your soul mate is someone who you can see yourself growing old with, someone who respects and loves you for who you are. You have both kept your individuality, even as you form your identity together. You know that you don't need a man to give meaning to your life because you cherish your friendships and personal hobbies and activities. You understand each other innately and share each other's worldview. Many relationships end in a short time because the lust has fizzled out. But because you have such an intense emotional connection, your guy is always attractive to you, whether he's in his pajamas, brushing his teeth or in a suit and tie. You may sometimes feel more like friends than lovers because of your natural mental connection, but don't let that worry you. Continue to challenge each other in conversations and you won't forget to keep the physical passion alive.

Friday, November 30, 2007
Are You Meant for Each Other?
Just-About-Perfect Pair
You two make a great match. Your relationship is healthy and strong, mostly because you work hard at making it so. You're honest with each other, communicate clearly and seem to respect and appreciate each other. These are all crucial characteristics of a good relationship. In addition, you're self-confident and you trust your man, which allows you to live your own life (and allow him to do the same), and avoid the petty jealousies and possession problems that plague other couples. Keep it up and you two will be together for a long time to come.

It never fails, every time you have an argument with your significant other, you question if your relationship is meant to be or not. You know deep down that it is worth the drama but don't really appreciate it until another person who might not even know all your "personal issues" tells you that he/she is perfect for you. I took a quiz today and the results were exactly as i expected they would be. . . (As if i ever doubted that my "Nookie" wasn't my soul mate. LOL! )
You two make a great match. Your relationship is healthy and strong, mostly because you work hard at making it so. You're honest with each other, communicate clearly and seem to respect and appreciate each other. These are all crucial characteristics of a good relationship. In addition, you're self-confident and you trust your man, which allows you to live your own life (and allow him to do the same), and avoid the petty jealousies and possession problems that plague other couples. Keep it up and you two will be together for a long time to come.

It never fails, every time you have an argument with your significant other, you question if your relationship is meant to be or not. You know deep down that it is worth the drama but don't really appreciate it until another person who might not even know all your "personal issues" tells you that he/she is perfect for you. I took a quiz today and the results were exactly as i expected they would be. . . (As if i ever doubted that my "Nookie" wasn't my soul mate. LOL! )
What's Your Erotic Personality?
The Romantic
The Romantic can think of nothing more erotic than being saved by someone. You aren't necessarily helpless, but the thought of being rescued makes you feel desirable and sexy. You need to feel sought-after and practically worshipped before sex can be on the agenda. You prefer partners who not only make passionate love to you, but also who'll know how to please you without any instruction whatsoever. Your lover's sexual finesse inspires you and heightens your own capacity for sexual pleasure. You're especially fond of people who can read you and deliver the sexual excitement you secretly desire.
* * * This is me right down to the T ! ! !
The Romantic can think of nothing more erotic than being saved by someone. You aren't necessarily helpless, but the thought of being rescued makes you feel desirable and sexy. You need to feel sought-after and practically worshipped before sex can be on the agenda. You prefer partners who not only make passionate love to you, but also who'll know how to please you without any instruction whatsoever. Your lover's sexual finesse inspires you and heightens your own capacity for sexual pleasure. You're especially fond of people who can read you and deliver the sexual excitement you secretly desire.
* * * This is me right down to the T ! ! !
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
R.A.W. Sistaz Reviews


Looking for love...
There is always a helpless romantic, just as the song quotes, "Looking for love in the all the wrong places." From an early age Jazmine Renee Lovall was no stranger to mischievous behavior. However, when the tables turn and boomerang in the form of broken relationships in her life, Jazmine finds herself in a perpetual state of "love" flux. Her quest in life is to indulge in the most essential human capacity yields hurt, distrust and revenge. Will she ever find love?
I FOUND ONE by Jakeshia Lewis is about pain, love and growing. It is about overcoming the pain to find happiness. The novel is a fast read, but the ending felt rushed, as if Lewis had to hurry to complete the predictable, idealistic ending. If the story had not been based solely on Jazmine being undermined in each and every relationship, I would have enjoyed the novel much better. Despite the very few problems I experienced with the novel, it was an acceptable read.
Reviewed by *Guest Reviewer Belinda M.
of The RAWSISTAZ™ Reviewers
Two Lips Reviews
Heat Level:

Jazmine Lovall wants to find the perfect man, someone like her stepfather, a man who will love her for herself and not for what she can do for him. She’s not proud of it, but she will do almost anything for a scrap of love and affection. Jaz’s search for love leads her through numerous boyfriends, casual encounters and even a lesbian affair but nothing feels right and she often finds the sex is nothing special. By chance, Jaz hooks up with an old friend from high school days and thinks she has finally found the man she’s been looking for all her life. He comes, however, with his own complications in the form of a jealous ex-girlfriend and baby daughter. Trying to work things out with his ex, his baby, her own ex, and her baby becomes more difficult than she ever imagined. Jaz has a rocky road to travel before everything finally works out in the end.
According to the acknowledgements at the end of I Found One, this story is based on author Jakeshia Lewis’ own life and is something she’s long wanted to write. I applaud her perseverance in writing it and managing to get it published with a POD publisher but I wish more time had been spent on polishing the craft of writing. The storyline has promise but the grammatical errors are too numerous to list and greatly distracting from the plot. The story is also rife with punctuation errors. I Found One is basically a gritty, inner-city, chick lit story with a HEA. If the coarse language and the fact that the dialogue all runs together does not put you off, you will find a story of one woman’s successful search to find true love.
Reviewer: Aviana

Heat Level:

Jazmine Lovall wants to find the perfect man, someone like her stepfather, a man who will love her for herself and not for what she can do for him. She’s not proud of it, but she will do almost anything for a scrap of love and affection. Jaz’s search for love leads her through numerous boyfriends, casual encounters and even a lesbian affair but nothing feels right and she often finds the sex is nothing special. By chance, Jaz hooks up with an old friend from high school days and thinks she has finally found the man she’s been looking for all her life. He comes, however, with his own complications in the form of a jealous ex-girlfriend and baby daughter. Trying to work things out with his ex, his baby, her own ex, and her baby becomes more difficult than she ever imagined. Jaz has a rocky road to travel before everything finally works out in the end.
According to the acknowledgements at the end of I Found One, this story is based on author Jakeshia Lewis’ own life and is something she’s long wanted to write. I applaud her perseverance in writing it and managing to get it published with a POD publisher but I wish more time had been spent on polishing the craft of writing. The storyline has promise but the grammatical errors are too numerous to list and greatly distracting from the plot. The story is also rife with punctuation errors. I Found One is basically a gritty, inner-city, chick lit story with a HEA. If the coarse language and the fact that the dialogue all runs together does not put you off, you will find a story of one woman’s successful search to find true love.
Reviewer: Aviana
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